Customer stories

Upgrade of 1,600 Restaurant POS systems leads to increased SLA

Upgrade of 1,600 Restaurant POS systems leads to increased SLA

Upgrade of 1,600 POS systems leads to increased SLAHighlights Support and maintenance of 1,600 POS ...
IT systems upgrade reduces shrinkage & improves supermarket experience

IT systems upgrade reduces shrinkage & improves supermarket experience

IT systems upgrade improves shopping experience Highlights  2,200 stores Installation of Checkpoint Systems ...
Major IT upgrade delivers speedy patient care

Major IT upgrade delivers speedy patient care

Major IT upgrade delivers speedy patient care Highlights  Upgrade of POS hardware, networking infrastructure and ...
50 Stores in 50 Working Days – POS hardware & network roll out

50 Stores in 50 Working Days – POS hardware & network roll out

50 Stores in 50 Working Days - POS hardware & network roll out Highlights  This fashion retailer's rapid ...
P2PE Compliance improves payment security for customers

P2PE Compliance improves payment security for customers

P2PE Compliance improves customer security Highlights  Point-to-Point-Encryption (P2PE) chip and pin devices ...
10 stores in 36 hours – Server upgrade

10 stores in 36 hours – Server upgrade

10 stores in 36 hours - IT server upgrade Highlights Re IP of hardware onsite Build and patching of ...
Luxury retailer switches POS hardware support to BMc

Luxury retailer switches POS hardware support to BMc

Luxury fashion retailer switches POS hardware support to BMc Highlights Seamless transition from previous ...
Upgrade of 25,000 POS devices for P2PE compliance

Upgrade of 25,000 POS devices for P2PE compliance

Upgrade of 25,000 POS devices leads to P2PE compliance Highlights 25,000 POS devices 1,717 ...
‘Seamless transition’ of IT POS hardware & support improves SLA by 6%

‘Seamless transition’ of IT POS hardware & support improves SLA by 6%

‘Seamless transition’ of IT POS hardware & support improves SLA by 6% Highlights Delivered 95% SLA ...